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April 13, 2006


Sounds similar to what happened here not so long ago with the Rover car plant at Longbridge. You used to see hundreds of Rovers driving around the city but not so much any more. I don't think you can talk to anyone here who doesn't at least know one person who was badly affected by the closure.

I've got a couple of bottles of Hoegaarden waiting for me at home to celebrate the Easter Break with - cheers

traitor! ;-)

Hi Serge,

The study by Horeca Vlaanderen also showed an increase in beer sales from local breweries...

My dream; become the "Blog Nobody Consultant" for my favorite local, traditional beers of which I am very proud: Geuze, Kriek and Lambic from breweries like Boone, De 3 Fonteinen etc... All real artisans and known for it.

Hey, if it works for Stormhoek then it will work for our traditional breweries too.

Let me know if you're in and let's go for world domination of traditional Belgian beers !

PS: we'll have to taste the products we promote of course ;-)

Philippe: you can count me in. We have a local brewery (De Dolle Brouwers in Esen) not far from here (although they are already growing beyond the local sphere) who make excellent stuff (Oerbier to name but the most famous) which can use all the promotion it can get. I am sure there are plenty of those around, certainly in your part of the country with all the lambik beers. And where the tasting is concerned: that goes without saying! :-)

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