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June 10, 2006


Very impressive. Can't say I followed it word for word but I think I got the gist (just about).

Just one question, why did they have you sitting in giant baby walkers?

No idea. I asked myself the same question. I even asked the question to the production guy, but he said it was all they had. Did the seats look uncomfortable? They were! Giant baby walkers is an excellent description... But one can't be too picky on one's way to fame and fortune, can one? :-)

Well... I remember the "comfortable" chairs we had at Arteveldehogeschool. We inherited them from the high school that used to be there.

And guess what high school I went to? Yep, that one... I'm pretty sure my rear end heated at least every single chair in that school once.

Guess what preliminary school I went to, yep the same one.. I spent my entire school career in the same building, from the age of 8 till the age of 21 and always with the same crappy chairs... so I think Giant baby walker would have been a nice change from time to time.


Piet, surely you know that uncomfortable chairs are put there deliberately? They're to make sure you do not doze off too easily in class... :-)

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