Summer vacation is reaching a pinnacle: we're packing for our yearly holiday as we speak (well, ok: right now, it's my wife who is doing most of the packing - it's a matter of talent).
Nothing fancy this year: just a cottage we've rented in the Ardennes, somewhere in the region of Bouillon. So yes: posting will be low, if not non-existent for a while. I know it was earlier this month too, but hey: first of all, it's still summer holidays and also, Joppe had to spend a bit over a week in hospital due to some salmonella-like infection. I'll spare you the details but let's say dehydration was what his condition was leading to.
Fortunately, he's better now and all ready to go. And actually, so am I. I'm looking quite forward to some hiking, kayaking, swimming and of course... cycling. Especially for the occasion (and inspired by the results of the mini-poll I did earlier on), I did it. Well, actually, my wife did. That's right: again a matter of talent. And also a matter of her enjoying it inflicting upon me the ordeal that only women normally go through. Well, now I know how it feels. It didn't hurt a bit. It even feels quite... uhm, liberating and cool. Especially afterwards. But even the depilatory activity was not that bad at all. I'll bet giving birth is not so painful as women tend to make it seem. Tsss...
Anyway, here's the result:
Enjoy your holidays too! And enjoy the picture. I am not so sure how long this state of 'nudity' is going to last...
NOTE: I wonder how many 'unwanted' visitors the title of this post will attract. I seem to remember Sam had a rather surprising experience with one of his boob photos...
You did it! No way... And since it didn't hurt at all then I'm sure you'll do it all over again. And the not-hurting part is definately a good way to convince your male friends to do it. Yeah right...
Enjoy your holidays and take a rainjacket with you ;)
Posted by: Triin | August 04, 2006 at 09:43 AM
Well done! The problem is: now you've done it once you will have to be hair free for the rest of your life!
Also, we've just got back from a week in the Alps. Triin is right: take your waterproofs!
Posted by: Simon Collister | August 10, 2006 at 04:50 PM
@Triin: rainjacket? Who needs that when you're in Belgium? We've had sunshine all week long. Well, almost... :-)
@Simon: with winter approaching (well, sort of) I'm sure I'll manage to hide the hair in its growing-back state. Or at least, that's what I am hoping for...
Posted by: Serge Cornelus | August 12, 2006 at 03:18 PM
With such legs I am sure you attracted a lot of unsolicited attention from women and men alike!
Enjoy your vacation!
Posted by: Sidney | August 14, 2006 at 01:31 PM
Don't worry, Sidney: attention has been tolerable so far :-).
Posted by: Serge Cornelus | August 14, 2006 at 03:11 PM
Hope you had a great holiday, ready to "entertain";) a new generation of Artevelders !
Posted by: Kirsten | September 04, 2006 at 07:55 PM
I had, thank you, Kirsten. Wether that makes me ready to start a new academic year remains to be seen, of course... :-) Keep in touch!
Posted by: Serge | September 04, 2006 at 07:58 PM