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August 03, 2006


You did it! No way... And since it didn't hurt at all then I'm sure you'll do it all over again. And the not-hurting part is definately a good way to convince your male friends to do it. Yeah right...

Enjoy your holidays and take a rainjacket with you ;)

Well done! The problem is: now you've done it once you will have to be hair free for the rest of your life!

Also, we've just got back from a week in the Alps. Triin is right: take your waterproofs!

@Triin: rainjacket? Who needs that when you're in Belgium? We've had sunshine all week long. Well, almost... :-)
@Simon: with winter approaching (well, sort of) I'm sure I'll manage to hide the hair in its growing-back state. Or at least, that's what I am hoping for...

With such legs I am sure you attracted a lot of unsolicited attention from women and men alike!
Enjoy your vacation!

Don't worry, Sidney: attention has been tolerable so far :-).

Hope you had a great holiday, ready to "entertain";) a new generation of Artevelders !

I had, thank you, Kirsten. Wether that makes me ready to start a new academic year remains to be seen, of course... :-) Keep in touch!

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