I am a soup person. Especially with winter coming up, I'm already looking forward to eating lots of it. Not that I don't like soup in the summertime. But soup simply tastes better with the wind blowing outside, and snow and hail hitting the windows. Or when you have just come back from a long walk out in the freezing cold. Mmmm...
Anyway: today we had Sweet Potato Soup. Was it any good? Well, we sure didn't have any leftovers:
It was the Anti Dairy Fairy who provided me with the recipe, which you can find here. It's not that I am dead set against dairy products. But some people simply are allergic to them. Personally, I also notice it when I have been eating too much dairy: I get more cranky than otherwise and I tend to get rashes. When I drop the dairy, away go the rashes. And the crankiness? Well, that depends on other things as well :-)...
Anyway: if you're looking for some fine recipes which also have the benefit of not containing any dairy products, you know who to turn to!
Note: I changed some of the sweet potato for pumpkin, and added an extra pinch of salt. But that is, of course, a matter of personal taste. The soup, in any case, tastes great, with hints of Thailand stirring your taste buds. Must be the coconut milk, of course. But if it hadn't been for the Anti Dairy Fairy, I probably would never have tried to put that in my soup. So kudos to her!
Well then, how 'bout you make us some soup before we start class tomorrow ?
Posted by: Jonas De Wit | November 16, 2006 at 10:20 PM
Dear Jonas, I leave at 7 in the morning, so I do not intend to get up at 4 to make soup, however much I like it. Besides: it's my job to lecture you, not feed you. :-)
Posted by: Serge Cornelus | November 16, 2006 at 10:24 PM
Serge! You owe this to your students and also to your blog visitors!
We all do great efforts to read and listen to you! ;-)
Posted by: Sidney | November 17, 2006 at 07:05 AM
Sidney: you 'll have to settle for virtual soup I'm afraid! ;-)
Posted by: Serge | November 17, 2006 at 10:39 AM
What have you started Serge? I've hear of bringing an apple for the teacher but this is something else entirely!
Glad you liked the soup. I'm off home in a couple of days time so I'm looking forward to some ADF cooking myself - in the meantime, I'll have to get the kitchens at the castle working overtime.
Posted by: Sam Smith | November 17, 2006 at 11:21 AM
Serge: And while you're at it, please bring some delicious soup with you if our meeting takes place :-)
Posted by: Andrea Weckerle | November 17, 2006 at 03:56 PM
@Sam: this is something entirely different indeed. Talking about the downsides of social media! :-)
@Andrea: I'll see what I can do... but I'm not making any promises! :-)
Posted by: Serge Cornelus | November 18, 2006 at 12:09 PM
Binnekort in gent eens ergens een soepke nuttigen ??
Posted by: dirkd | November 22, 2006 at 12:16 PM
Met veel plezier, maat, maar voor nieuwjaar lukt het me niet meer vrees ik (overvolle agenda op de dagen dat ik in Gent ben ofwel niet in Gent). Maken we er dan maar een nieuwjaarsaperitief mét soep achteraf van?
Posted by: Serge Cornelus | November 22, 2006 at 01:40 PM
I've been looking for a recepy to make "pistolets" at home. And I mean the good ones... crunchy and hard on the outside and airy and soft on the inside.
Apparently, I need some kind of retroactive flour or something like that... at least something they don't sell here :-(
By the way, if you like potato soup, Irene makes the best ever!
Posted by: Piet | November 22, 2006 at 03:43 PM